Your Marketing Helping Hand.

You don't need an agency, you need a friend who knows Marketing. Consider me your very own "Marketing Guy" who you only use when needed. I don't even eat your biscuits or raid the staff fridge.

Take your pick

Occasional Genius. Marketing obsessed. More 'doing' and less 'theory'. Think of me as a one-stop shop for Marketing guidance & support for adventurous businesses and individuals with a personal touch.

Marketing strategy and guidance
Social media management
Website management
Content creation
A little bit of whatever's needed

Scale to new heights, without the hassle.

No 'one-size-fits-all' packages.
No massive agency fees.
Simply the marketing support you need, no matter how big or small.

Running a business is hard work. Likewise, teaching yourself all the additional aspects of running a business can be exhausting.
Marketing shouldn't be one of those 'must learn' tasks that hold you back, whether you're looking to make your first or thousandth sale. That's why we exist.

TeamRennie is the one-man Marketing team that you can call when you need it. You can use us to get you started, every month, or on special occasions.

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